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Share News and Ideas on Social Media



Start by liking us on Facebook and then take a look at our gallery of photographs that include people hugging the earth. Next share your own tips and tricks to help make Albany (or anywhere) more green. 




Start by liking EBCE on Facebook, InstagramNextdoor (and recommend them), and Twitter

Next learn the basic facts about EBCE so that you can share correct information with your neighbors on social media and beyond by downloading this pdf from EBCE!


Share good news!


Share these tips and images below on your social media page. They're fun and informative... and you can always use them to link back to the "What Can You Do" page! Use one or all of the seven days of sustainability on Instagram, Facebook, or elsewhere!


If the entire U.S. skipped meat and chee
A single person who switches to public t
If everyone in the U.S. stopped driving
If every person in New York City used ju
Reusing materials and recycling material
If everyone in the US, just took one les
Find new ways to make efficiency improve
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